CFDs (Contracts for Difference) are financial products that are valued in the difference between the spot price and the contract price. The instrument enables investors to achieve gains by buying price expectations and not by physically buying the product itself. CFDs are offered on a broad range of underlying assets including currencies, commodities, energies, indices and metals. The main point in trading this kind of product is the future price of the product.
It is a type of futures contract and the buyer of CFD obliges to pay the difference between the value of the asset at the time of conducting the contract and the value at a future date. If this difference turns out to be negative, then it is the seller who pays the difference in value. When the value date of the traded CFD arrives, trader’s open positions are automatically closed. It then experiences a rollover and a new CFD contract is opened.
Agra Markets offers CFDs in metals, energies, commodities, indices and currencies.