Various order types, Market, Limit, Stop, OCO, IFDONE and many more,
Two different account types, Long Short and FIFO,
A fully integrated user friendly interface with easy order placement and fast execution helps beginners as well as experienced investors trade online,
More than 100 tradeable products,
Exceedingly efficient charting with rapid chart intervals functionality,
Customized technical analysis with multi layer market-depth feature,
Inter-bank price feeds with the tightest spreads,
Advanced RFQ (Request for Quote) options,
Live streaming of executable rates on all standard dates,
Selection of a favorite base currency to view all profits and margins in preferred currency,
Comprehensive risk management by margin netting hedging options,
Windows can be dragged all across the screen to fit automatically into it,
Online news and updates of the financial market,
Internal email system,
Advanced Alerts system,
Customer support over integrated Prodigy live chat button,